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2017 - PRESENT

During my practice, I enjoy experimenting with different mediums such as film, illustrations, performance. Issues are often explored by striking a balance between familiarity and strangeness.

The World of CO-

Compromise is a prerequisite for co-existence and since humans are social beings, it’s unavoidable. Our power lies on collective knowledge and collaboration. The very definition of the ‘self’ is constructed through our relations with others and roles we each take up throughout the course of our lives. We don’t really ever exist as individuals in the world. From the time we are born, we live within groups. As we grow up, we learn to become more independent and act on our own. Still, we form close connections, relationships in which we build trust and co-dependency. 

We live together, yet in a highly individualised world. Most of our surroundings are designed for a single user -one who is granted full access or given the full control, even if the activity involves more than just them. Relations of codependency do not only form between humans, users, or ‘subjects’, but rather extend to the non-human entities, like objects. We are not born with an innate knowledge for teeth-brushing. It doesn’t come naturally to us, but rather it’s something we are trained to do, building our own ways and habits along the way. In this sense, actions like brushing our teeth can be something individuals learn to perform together. New unfamiliar roles and relations are created between humans as well as humans and tools, intrinsically influencing our understanding of our surroundings.

What if this codependency and compromise, something so evident in our lives, was also evident through the tools we use? 


To manifest this element into physicality we built a world where people perform acts in pairs and triplets.

Focusing mainly on activities that take place in the domestic space, this project is about reconfiguring set boundaries of the private and the public, the individual and the collaborative, the selfish and the social.






are only a few of the “mystery” ingredients found in products we put in and on our bodies everyday.

In an attempt to start bridging the gap between the vast complexity of expert information forced on us, and our limited understanding of it, imagination is used as a primary tool. The following images are part of a speculative chemistry lesson, where with the help of the Greek language, compounds have been broken down and reimagined visually into a new system of symbols. The space of not knowing becomes a space of possibilities, allowing one to delve into an alternative dimension of meaning attribution.


Sex robots can be a rather ethically ambivalent issue. Especially when it comes to ones that are closely mimicking human appearance, but also "behaviour", sometimes normalising or reinforcing issues like rape or pedophilia.


In attempt to create an ethical sex robot while maintaining its sensuous ambience,  of household objects, this project deals with the above issues.

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