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Art and Design Foundation Diploma
Camberwell College of Arts (UAL)

2016 - 2017

In contrast to my process up to then, work of this period is generated by swift responses to briefs, comprising of low resolution experimentations. Although meticulous work is of value, this fast-paced method of engaging with subjects introduced a different approach to my practice that pushed me to start making rather than just thinking and finalising.

My interest during the course revolved around material exploration.

What is our relationship to materials? Can a material invoke a specific sentiment, like excitement or sleepiness?

I was also interested in the way materials communicate with one another. What does a conversation between a balloon and chickenwire look or sound like? Does it change when a human is present?

Visuals from the animal kingdom, digitally manipulated to create experimental illustrations of the form and structure of DNA.


The introduction of fabric, a material with the potential to transcend the two-dimensional world, made to resemble complex folds of DNA.

Exploration of fabric qualities and limitations, playing with the idea of the impossible and its communication to its surroundings.


Experimental photography using a  low-resolution handcrafted "lens"and testing colour palette results.

Experimental photography with shadow and light created by materials like chickenwire and coloured paper.

Material exploration of balloons, the idea of frivolousness, temporality and their communication with their environment.


A series of quick paper experimentations exploring the link between two and three dimensions and the ability to alternate between them through folding.

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